Helping clients meet their sustainability challenges across ESG and climate risk.

HXE Partners helps clients align their sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals with stakeholder expectations and industry best practices. We collaborate with clients at any stage of their ESG strategy, focusing on their unique needs while proposing new approaches, implementing effective programs, and delivering high-quality results.

Investor-Focused ESG Advisory


We start by determining where clients are on the sustainability spectrum and what drives the demand to develop, maintain, or improve their sustainability programs. By working with our clients to set goals and understand the material issues of their businesses, we ensure that they are well-positioned to align their programs with company-wide strategic and financial goals.

Strategy and Implementation

We help clients get things done. We work with them to develop the appropriate infrastructure and processes to implement their sustainability and ESG programs. We lead everything from finding the right technical specialists to managing projects from concept to completion to identifying the right solutions to track performance improvements over time.


Companies disclose ESG data to build corporate reputations, comply with regulatory agreements, respond to investor disclosure requests, and demonstrate responsible risk management oversight. We work with clients to maximize the credit they get for their achievements and communicate their successes to their internal and external stakeholders. We tailor our approach to our clients’ priorities and take ownership of the ever-increasing volume of ESG data requests.

Our Services

We maintain an investor-focused approach to our work, centered around tailored solutions that are both impactful and cost-effective.

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Sustainability and ESG

  • ESG gap analyses and action plans
  • Materiality assessments
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Peer benchmarking
  • Strategic framework and ESG goals development
Strategy and Implementation
  • Policy development
  • Due diligence checklists
  • Sustainable bond frameworks
  • Education and training
  • ESG data management and software solutions
  • Annual ESG reporting and framework alignment (SASB, TCFD, GRI, PRI, SDGs)
  • Regulatory reporting readiness planning (SEC, EU: SFDR, CSRD)
  • Response management for raters and rankers (CDP, S&P Global CSA, GRESB, Ecovadis)
  • ESG ratings review and engagement with data providers (MSCI, Sustainalytics, ISS ESG)
  • Investor ESG engagement and communications (investor presentations, 10-Ks, proxy statements)
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  • Environmental target setting and technical roadmap development
  • Decarbonization strategies
  • Net Zero planning
  • Pre-assurance readiness planning
Strategy and Implementation
  • GHG inventory development (Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions)
  • Environmental data inventory development
  • Climate-based scenario analysis
  • Science-based targets
  • Carbon accounting and climate risk and resiliency software solutions
  • Third-party data verification (limited assurance)
  • Regulatory reporting readiness planning (SEC)
  • Response management for third-party assessments (CDP, GRESB)
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Industries We Work With

HXE Partners supports public and private clients from a wide range of sectors and industries that each have their own unique sustainability-related challenges, risks, and opportunities. We help them apply universally accepted and investor-favored best practices where appropriate while tailoring and right-sizing their ESG approaches to their unique business.

Real Estate

HXE Partners maintains a strong team of ESG specialists with deep real estate expertise. We support clients with various investment strategies — including private equity and debt, equity REITs, and debt REITs — as well as management companies across several different asset classes. As advisors, we do not sell our clients’ data and do not benefit from the implementation of asset-level projects (e.g., capex, design, construction) by third-party providers. This uniquely positions us to provide objective advisory services.

Financial Services

Financial services institutions face several challenges today as managing and financing risk have come to the forefront of investor concerns. HXE Partners has supported several financial services clients ranging from investment management, capital markets, commercial banking, insurance, and more. As advisors with deep experience in this space, we are focused on helping our clients understand their risks and opportunities to uphold fiduciary duty to investors and shareholders, and ensure clients are getting credit for their ESG programs.


HXE Partners has a track record of advising energy clients on how to navigate increasing scrutiny from investors and regulators. We support advancing their reporting disclosures, developing focused strategies, and setting targets in alignment with stakeholder expectations. As advisors with deep expertise in investor focus areas when it comes to the energy sector, we are uniquely positioned to provide guidance on how to best position them for a changing climate.

Software and Technology

Software and technology companies face several challenges and opportunities related to ESG topics, from energy use in data centers, to data privacy and cybersecurity concerns, to maintaining engaged and highly skilled workforces. HXE Partners has supported several tech clients in identifying their gaps, setting appropriate strategies and action plans, and communicating progress to their stakeholders.


With large operational footprints and complex product portfolios, manufacturers need to carefully manage several key ESG-related topics, including the transition to a low-carbon economy, employee health and safety, environmental regulatory standards, and transparency around responsible sourcing. HXE Partners has helped clients in this sector consider these impacts and engage with both downstream and upstream suppliers.

Other Industries

Leveraging our growing team’s backgrounds and experience across multiple sectors and industries, we also work with the following industries across various service lines and programmatic focus areas:

  • Professional services
  • Retail
  • Consumer goods
  • Aviation, travel, and tourism
  • Healthcare and biotech
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new brand – Sodali & Co.
This rebrand represents our dedication to building a world-class advisory firm with unwavering commitment to excellence for our clients, colleagues, and communities, supporting them to adapt and thrive in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world. Our new identity recognizes the Firm’s 50- year history and unifies the compelling combination of businesses, skills, and expertise you know from Morrow Sodali, GPS, Di Costa Partners, Nestor Advisors, Gryphon Advisors, Citadel MAGNUS, FrameworkESG, HXE Partners, Powerscourt, Domestique, and Designate. The name derives from the Latin word “Sodalis” meaning companion and aligns with the Firm’s role as a trusted advisor. The pace of change has never been this fast, so we look forward to continuing to provide you with the tools to build stakeholder capital and navigate the complex dynamic of shareholder and wider stakeholder interests.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new brand – Sodali & Co.
This rebrand represents our dedication to building a world-class advisory firm with unwavering commitment to excellence for our clients, colleagues, and communities, supporting them to adapt and thrive in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world. Our new identity recognizes the Firm’s 50- year history and unifies the compelling combination of businesses, skills, and expertise you know from Morrow Sodali, GPS, Di Costa Partners, Nestor Advisors, Gryphon Advisors, Citadel MAGNUS, FrameworkESG, HXE Partners, Powerscourt, Domestique, and Designate. The name derives from the Latin word “Sodalis” meaning companion and aligns with the Firm’s role as a trusted advisor. The pace of change has never been this fast, so we look forward to continuing to provide you with the tools to build stakeholder capital and navigate the complex dynamic of shareholder and wider stakeholder interests.